Contact page with the study

If you believe it’s time to contact us, you can give us a call, send an email, or reach out via WhatsApp. Or you can use the form you’ll find below.

Would you like to explain a bit
about your project?

Les xarxes són maravelloses!


Però com dèiem, som un estudi petit. Per gestionar-les efectivament hi hem de destinar una quantiat d’hores que van en detriment de les hores de feina que dediquem als vostres projectes o de les nostres hores d’oci. Preferim treballar quan es hora de treballar i gaudir de la família, amics, natura… quan no estem treballant.

Ens ho agafem amb calma, així que, normalment trobaras els nostres perfils oficialment desactualitzats!







Networks are wonderful!


But as we said, we are a small studio. To manage them effectively we must allocate a number of hours that are detrimental to the work hours we dedicate to their projects or our leisure hours. We prefer to work when it is time to work and enjoy family, friends, nature… when we are not working.

We’re taking it slow, so you’ll usually find our profiles officially out of date!

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